Sunday, December 7, 2008

Brian's BOLD Prediction

SO Brian right here, is going to take a bold step and predict the market tomorrow morning. I say: 100% guaranteed, that the market will open on the upside. Not only that, but I'm sure that Nasdaq will open higher than 1530, DJIA will open higher than 8750, and S&P 500 higher than 885.

Bolder predictions: DJIA will close above 9000 for the first time in a longgg time. Nasdaq will close above 1575, or shall I push it and say above 1600? S&P will close above 900.

I had a feeling that the bulls were back, but tomorrow will be a big statement showing that the bulls are back and the market has bottomed. I do regret not investing last week, because I was waiting to sell Citigroup and accumulate this week's paycheck. However, if I could've timed the market right, I could've used what money I had to make a trade, hold it till this week, sell, and then accumulate it. Speaking of Citigroup, I think it might break 9 tomorrow. Anyways, yeah can't regret right? Got to live in the present and keep looking forward. Anyways, everytime I think the market can't go down, it keeps going down. I'm hoping it can go down, so we all CAN invest at the bottom. As baby investors, we should hope for a bear market. : )

How did I make these predictions? Haha, techinical analysis, and a bit more. It'll be exciting. Tihs is the first time I'm putting my words on paper. We'll see how it goes. I'll come back and explain how I did this. Yes, Sean I know people always revise numbers, and putting down numbers is baloney, but I'm giving numbers NOW, and predicting where the market will end around. Let's see how I do ey? hahaha ahoy matey!


Anonymous said...

Just to play devils advocate, i think it will open below last weeks closing and slowly work it's way up, but just barely. Haha. Im going to sell my good once it hits 300 or so, or maybe even 295, and then wait until it drops again.

Sean said...
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Sean said...

hahaha. yes, I do not endorse technical trading. (I will write a post and explain more about technical and fundamental trading soon).

For those of you who do not have a clue about what the acronyms Brian or Alfred are referring to here's a link to explain:

Btw. Brian did not just pick those numbers out of thin air. He used what is called the futures market to benchmark the opening prices and employed technical trading ideas to speculate the closing prices. The technical trading idea he used is what is called resistance levels and its all based on human psychology.

If you want to know what futures are you can read here:

Here's the website he used to gauge the opening prices (the futures market trades indices on the DOW, the Nasdaq and the S&P):

Here's another site with futures quotes that you can check out:

Anonymous said...

Haha. The power of psychology. If only it was that easy to predict eh? Haha. GOOG is at 302.55 right now! I think I'm going to sell it soon.