Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Archives and Histories

I got your instant message Sean. Is something like this ok? That way we can refer back to old posts. Make sure you guys give them a title so we know where to look for future reference. Thanks!


Dan Dai said...

This homepage seems really long (like there's a lot to scroll through) and maybe's it's because of Sean's ginormous post on the financial situation. Can we limit the number of posts that come up on the homepage to like 5 or something?

Anonymous said...

It's all Sean's fault!

Brian said...

Bro, I'm already working on my side to limit Sean to his posts. Plagairism? LOL. HAHA JK not at all. But yeah I'm trying to make him post slower so I can actually read some of his posts, aint that right seannyboy?haha...